The water filling aid assists with filling your water tank as you no longer have to hold the hose while filling your tank. It is easy to use as it screws into the Bush Lapa’s water tank, even with the cap chain still connected.
This part is 3D printed in ABS Plastic filament.
Design Updates February 2022
- Created an octagon shape to ease the use of the filler, it also screws to a “stop” position.
- Created a bevel part at the bottom of the treads, to ease the insertion
- Fine tuned some of the dimensions for manufacturing purpose, which means less clean-up and sanding once printed.
How to use the water filling aid:
- Unscrew the water tanks cap
- Hold the cap in one and fit the chain into the slot created
- While holding the cap in one hand, screw in the water filler aid.
- Do not over tighten
- Clip on your Gardena hose connector
- Turn on the water and monitor till full
** Remember to open the tanks breather while filling your tank and to close it when done